Monday, 30 September 2013

Past Questions on EME 402

Hello all,
Here are some past questions to aid your study.

<Q1> culture is the total ways of life of the people of a geographical area and there is a bi-directional relationship between culture and education. This statement is
<C> true
<C> false

<Q2> the bi-directional relationship between culture and education means that
<C> the strange/odd practices in culture are corrected through education
<C> culture is introduced into school curriculum to promote the total ways of life of the people
<C> culture and education work together for the benefit of mankind
<C> all of the above

<Q3> in the social influence model, education is influenced by
<C> technology, politics, and economy
<C> economy, culture, religion, and politics
<C> politics, technology, and religion
<C> technology, politics, economy, culture, and religion

<Q4> the supply of skilled manpower to the economy by education and the dependence of education on the economy for resources can be described as
<C> multilateral relationship
<C> bi-directional relationship
<C> bilateral institution
<C> multilateral mechanism

<Q5> which of these is not a definition of education
<C> the united concern of a people for the right upbringing of the children and the improvement of its national life
<C> the process whereby persons intentionally guide the development of persons
<C> the eternal process of superior adjustment of the physically and mentally developed free-conscious human beings to God that is not manifested in the intellectual, emotional and volitional environment of man
<C> the systematic socialization of the young

<Q6> irrespective of the definition of education, the major characteristics that can be inferred are
<C> it is a process of transmitting or disseminating cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains of knowledge
<C> it develops the individual's capability and reasoning powers
<C> it is a legitimate method of transmission of knowledge that takes the culture of the society into consideration
<C> all of the above

<Q7> in Nigeria, the national objectives of the Second National development Plan include
<C> a free and democratic society
<C> a just and egalitarian society; and a land of bright and full opportunities for all citizens
<C> a united, strong and self-reliant nation; and a great and dynamic economy
<C> all of the above

<Q8> to achieve the Nigeria national objectives in education, the quality of instruction is oriented towards inculcating
<C> respect for the worth and dignity of the individual; and the promotion of the emotional, physical and psychological health of all children
<C> faith in man's ability to make rational decisions; and respect for the dignity of labour
<C> moral and spiritual values in interpersonal and human relations; and shared responsibility for the common good of society
<C> all of the above

<Q9> the aims and objectives of education is to inculcate national consciousness and national unity; train the mind to understand the world around; acquire, both physical and mentally, appropriate skills, abilities and competences; and inculcate the right types of values and attitudes for the survival of the individual and the Nigerian society. This statement is
<C> true
<C> false

<Q10> which of these is not true - to achieve the aims and objectives of education, the Nigerian government intends to
<C> continually rate education high in the national development plan
<C> take lifelong education as the basis for the nation's educational policies
<C> centre educational activities on the teacher for maximum self development and fulfilment
<C> multiply educational and training facilities and make them more accessible so that the individual will have diversified and flexible choice