Monday, 18 November 2013

Module Three: Historical Antecedent

Module Three: Historical Antecedent

The Southern and Northern protectorates were amalgamated in 1914, named Nigeria, and Lord Luggard introduced the direct rule policy

The indirect rule system introduced in Nigeria recognized the existing traditional administrative structure, and used such for the administration the Lagos colony, and the Southern and Northern protectorates

The disparity in the level of educational development between the Northern and Southern protectorates can be attributed to the fact that the indirect rule policy recognized Islamic education which restricted the spread of Christian missionaries and Western education to the North.

The 6-3-3-4 education policy was introduced in 1977; sought to introduce a functional technological-based education; and was introduced to provide technology-based education that could sustain the economy.

The colonial administrator administered education through the use of 1882, 1887, 1916, 1926, 1948, and 1952 ordinances

The 1882 education ordinance for the British West Africa territories of Lagos, Gold Coast, Sierra Leone and Gambia prescribed the following
i.       a capitation grant for each subject
ii.    award of grants for organization and discipline, special grants for schools that obtained high percentage of passes/high standard of general excellence
iii.  a capitation grant in proportion of the average attendance at school

The 1926 education ordinance was regarded as a landmark in the development of education in Nigeria because it recommended the
i.       registration of teachers as a pre-condition for teaching in any school in Southern Nigeria
ii.     specific functions and duties of supervisors or mission school inspectors
iii.  regulated the minimum pay for teachers who were employed in an assisted school

The 1952 education ordinance became an education law for the country; enabled the development of different educational policies and systems for the Eastern, Western and Northern regions of Nigeria; and subjected all schools (public or private) to inspection by the Regional Director or his representative and the Inspector General or his representative.

The Ashby Report of 1959 revealed that
i.                   few school teachers were qualified and certificated
ii.                 there was imbalance in the development of education between the North and South
iii.              there was limited admission opportunities for primary school leavers

The education edicts of 1966 - 1979 had the common feature of school take-over from individuals and voluntary agencies, establishment of school management boards and a unified teaching service.

In the 1979 constitution, the education objectives included:
i.          directing government policy towards ensuring equal and adequate educational opportunities at all level;
ii.        promoting science and technology;

iii.     providing free, compulsory and universal primary education, free secondary education and free adult literacy programme as and when practicable 

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

The System Theory

Hello EME 401 students,

Simply put, a system is the collection of interrelated parts which form a whole. The origin of the term `system’ can be traced to Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) who argued that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Check out the link below as support to Module 5 (The System Theory ) of the EME 401 course material.


Monday, 30 September 2013

Past Questions on EME 402

Hello all,
Here are some past questions to aid your study.

<Q1> culture is the total ways of life of the people of a geographical area and there is a bi-directional relationship between culture and education. This statement is
<C> true
<C> false

<Q2> the bi-directional relationship between culture and education means that
<C> the strange/odd practices in culture are corrected through education
<C> culture is introduced into school curriculum to promote the total ways of life of the people
<C> culture and education work together for the benefit of mankind
<C> all of the above

<Q3> in the social influence model, education is influenced by
<C> technology, politics, and economy
<C> economy, culture, religion, and politics
<C> politics, technology, and religion
<C> technology, politics, economy, culture, and religion

<Q4> the supply of skilled manpower to the economy by education and the dependence of education on the economy for resources can be described as
<C> multilateral relationship
<C> bi-directional relationship
<C> bilateral institution
<C> multilateral mechanism

<Q5> which of these is not a definition of education
<C> the united concern of a people for the right upbringing of the children and the improvement of its national life
<C> the process whereby persons intentionally guide the development of persons
<C> the eternal process of superior adjustment of the physically and mentally developed free-conscious human beings to God that is not manifested in the intellectual, emotional and volitional environment of man
<C> the systematic socialization of the young

<Q6> irrespective of the definition of education, the major characteristics that can be inferred are
<C> it is a process of transmitting or disseminating cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains of knowledge
<C> it develops the individual's capability and reasoning powers
<C> it is a legitimate method of transmission of knowledge that takes the culture of the society into consideration
<C> all of the above

<Q7> in Nigeria, the national objectives of the Second National development Plan include
<C> a free and democratic society
<C> a just and egalitarian society; and a land of bright and full opportunities for all citizens
<C> a united, strong and self-reliant nation; and a great and dynamic economy
<C> all of the above

<Q8> to achieve the Nigeria national objectives in education, the quality of instruction is oriented towards inculcating
<C> respect for the worth and dignity of the individual; and the promotion of the emotional, physical and psychological health of all children
<C> faith in man's ability to make rational decisions; and respect for the dignity of labour
<C> moral and spiritual values in interpersonal and human relations; and shared responsibility for the common good of society
<C> all of the above

<Q9> the aims and objectives of education is to inculcate national consciousness and national unity; train the mind to understand the world around; acquire, both physical and mentally, appropriate skills, abilities and competences; and inculcate the right types of values and attitudes for the survival of the individual and the Nigerian society. This statement is
<C> true
<C> false

<Q10> which of these is not true - to achieve the aims and objectives of education, the Nigerian government intends to
<C> continually rate education high in the national development plan
<C> take lifelong education as the basis for the nation's educational policies
<C> centre educational activities on the teacher for maximum self development and fulfilment
<C> multiply educational and training facilities and make them more accessible so that the individual will have diversified and flexible choice